
Brenna small clear vase

Brenna small blue vaseBrenna little brown vaseBrenna small clear vase
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  • 제품 수령후 7일 안에 온라인을 통해 제품의 하자접수나 교환/반품 접수가 가능하며, 설치배송 제품의 경우 변심으로 인한 교환/반품시 배송비/위약금이 발생할 수 있습니다
Eco-friendly design

The best designs are environmentally friendly and that is why the entire Breena collection is made with recycled glass.

Love the imperfections

This piece has been designed to highlight the beauty of imperfections. Thanks to the organic shape each item is unique.

Made in Europe

The Breena collection is a 100% made in Europe, the materials and products manufactured locally.

About this product

A vase to put flowers in is always appreciated, but with this transparent glass vase, even more so. What's more, you can combine it with the rest of the pieces in the collection and enjoy the colour that your rooms will gain.